Cheap Sushi in Malaga

Cheap Sushi in Malaga

Sushi is a delicacy that is becoming more and more popular around the world, and Spain is catching on. Although the number of restaurants serving sushi in Spain is on the rise, prices are still too steep for

some pockets, especially with so many places serving affordable tapas.

Nevertheless, sushi lovers can still find a selection of restaurants offering cheap sushi in Malaga to tickle your taste buds at a very reasonable price – without compromising the freshness, mouthwatering flavours and textures of the finest sushi on the Costa del Sol.


Cheap Sushi in Malaga - Sushi King

sushi barato malaga

This little restaurant (formerly known as Oishi) in the heart of Malaga serves some of the city’s finest sushi at the best price.

It may go unnoticed because of its location, but those who get to taste their great variety of fresh sushi at amazing prices are sure to find their way back.

As well as sushi, they serve a range of other Asian dishes and one of the best mochi desserts in Malaga.


Plaza María Guerrero, 5, 29013 Malaga


+34 951 24 93 32

Opening hours:

Thursday - Tuesday,

Noon - 4 pm | 7.30 pm - midnight


Cheap Sushi in Malaga - The good Sushi (TGS)

sushi barato

This restaurant located in the university area of Malaga is known for serving quality sushi at pocket-friendly prices.

A great place to eat cheap sushi in Malaga, especially at lunch time with their full menu deal for just €9.50.


Calle Eolo, 17, 29010 Malaga


+34 951 15 79 99

Opening hours:

Tuesday - Sunday,

12.30 pm - 4.30 pm | 8 pm - midnight


Cheap Sushi in Malaga - Uri Sushi

uri sushi sushi barato

Japanese-Korean food right by Cervantes Theatre. A quaint and cosy eatery serving a wide variety of Korean and Japanese cuisine. Their vast selection of dishes includes different types of sushi served in deliciously large pieces with all the freshness and great prices.


Calle Madre de Dios, 31, 29012 Malaga


+34 952 81 35 23

Opening hours:

Monday - Sunday,

Noon - 4 pm | 7 pm - 11.30 pm


Cheap Sushi in Malaga - Gran Sushi

sushi barato huelin

If you are looking for another place to enjoy cheap sushi in Malaga, do not miss Gran Sushi, an Asian restaurant right in the heart of the Huelin district.

Fantastic value for money and a great selection of dishes make this another must for penny-wise Asian food fans.


Calle Tomás Echeverría, 17, 29002 Malaga


+34 952 35 80 88

Opening hours:

Monday - Sunday,

11.30 am - 5 pm | 7.30 pm - midnight


Cheap Sushi in Malaga – Tunante

sushi gamarra

You will find this sushi restaurant in one of the city’s most typically local districts, having gradually built up a reputation over the years for excellent, top-quality sushi and innovation.

It may not be one of the most low-cost sushi restaurants, but they have an unbeatable menu deal – especially on Sunday nights – selling off their sushi for just €11.95.


Calle José Iturbi, 5, 29010 Malaga


+34 633 08 01 60

Opening hours:

Thursday - Sunday,

1 pm - 4 pm | 8 pm - 11.30 pm


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